Camp SWY great success with 11 nations and 14 batches attending the reunion

After more than a year of preparations, planning and organising – the international SWY reunion “Camp SWY” took place in Sweden between 6th and 11th of August 2019. Despite this being an independent, unofficial reunion based on volunteer efforts, Camp SWY gathered as many as 35 ex-participating youth from 11 different nations worldwide and 14 […]

Camp SWY will take place 6-11th of August 2018

Camp SWY will take place. A day after deadline we had a total of 33 registered participants from 14 different countries worldwide. We are vey much looking forward to hosting such a diverse group of our SWY-family in Sweden. Now we urge all remaining participants to swiftly transfer their fee in order for us to […]

DECEMBER 2017 – Swedish Delegation at the 11th General Assembly in UAE

Swedish Delegation to SWYAA International Global Assembly 11 in Dubai The Swedish delegation of four ex-PY’s and one SWY-family member attended the Global assembly in UAE, Dubai this year. The official program was held between the 3rd and 8th of November 2017.   The formally dressed Swedish delegation at the Opening Ceremony by Etihad Museum. […]

MAY 2016 – What 32 nations signed the last two days in Tokyo

Over a month has passed since the Tokyo Conference 2016 was concluded. The results have been reported both to our Swedish alumni and to the Embassy of Japan in Stockholm. 32 countries managed to formulate and sign a Joint Statement that was handed in to the Japanese Government on the last day. (this post is a […]

MARCH 2016 – Tokyo Conference 2016 – first two days

Four days, 32 different nationalities and endless opportunities. The Tokyo Conference 2016 is the largest in the history of the SWY-program and brings together representatives from all the member countries of the Ship for World Youth Alumni Association International (SWYAA International) for the first time. Here is a short recap of the first two days. The […]

8th Global Assembly – Turkey 2014

On the 30th of August 2014 more than 150 representatives from 24 nations worldwide gathered in Istanbul, Turkey to attend the 8th SWYAA Global Assembly hosted by SWYAA Turkey and IYEO (International youth exchange organisation of Japan). The week offered great opportunities for networking, reviving old friendships, experiencing historical sights and discovering todays vibrant modern […]

Official reception at the Japanese ambassador’s residence

Alumni members from both SWY and GLDP attended a courtesy reception at the Japanse ambassador’s residence on the 16th of May 2014. The function was a great success, with both informal discussions, updates on upcoming cooperations between our countries, dance performance and practice and an all new revelation about yet another cultural similarity between Japan […]

Global assembly in Peru 2013

Ancient ruins, sparkling pisco, intriguing history, lively dance performances and unforgettable cebiche-experiences. These are only a handful things that made the 7th Global assembly in Peru such an unforgettable experience. The GA-team really delivered on all aspects – where the social contribution activities where only one high point of programme. Above: Name tags recieved upon […]

First Nordic Reunion ever in archipelago paradise

For the first time ever members from the SWYAA from the Nordic countries Finland, Sweden and Norway unite, invited to the picturesque island of Åland located between Finland and Sweden. The true SWY spirit arrived with our guests, ex-PYs from nine countries. The highlight of the reunion was the Hiroshima Memorial Evening were we performed […]