15th Global Assembly

The Official Program and Optional Tour is full

Sign up for Waiting list for Official Program and Optional Tour here

About 15th Global Assembly Sweden 3-7 August 2024

SWYAA Sweden would like to warmly welcome all SWYers around the world to the 15th Global Assembly!

The Official Program will be held between the 3rd and 7th of August 2024 in Stockholm.
Note: Departure August 7th for those not attending the Optional Tour.

The Optional Tour will be held between the 6th and 11th of August 2024 at Västeräng, a lakeside camp 4 hours by car from Stockholm.
Note: Departure to Västeräng in the evening of the 6th of August.

We highly recommend to attend both Official Program and Optional Tour, as it will provide different experiences. 


Our vision is to create a cozy, informal GA filled with the SWY-spirit. We want to give SWYers the opportunity to experience a GA that resembles the local everyday life – to soak up the atmosphere in Sweden as if being locals themselves. This including traveling by public transportation and experience the contrasts between city and nature, the vibrating capital of Stockholm and the soothing nature by lake Vättern.

Official Program 3-7 August 2024

Schedule Official Program

The official Program will be held in Stockholm, the capital of Sweden, from the 3rd to the 7th of August (departure in the evening of the 6th of August for those attending the optional tour). Those who will not attend the optional tour will be able to depart from evening 6th of August or stay over in Stockholm, where we will provide hotel night 6-7 August.

During the tour we will experience the capital of Sweden. There will be walking guided tours, institutional visits, and a boat ride with dinner in the Stockholm Archipelago! For most of the tour, we will travel as the locals by making use of the extensive public transportation network and walking in our beautiful capital.

Detailed information about institutional visits and Social contribution activity will be shared later.

Official Program shared twin room 600 USD
Official Program single room 900 USD

DateTimeActivity description
Saturday, August 3rd8:00-18:00Arrival of Participants and registration (Check-in time around 15:00)
 18:00-22:00Icebreaking, including dinner
Sunday, August 4th9:30-16:00Sightseeing Stockholm
 16:00-18:00Free time
 18:00-23:00Opening ceremony in the archipelago of Stockholm
Monday, August 5th9:30-13:00Social contribution activity
 13:00-22:00Free time, with Participants own dinner
Tuesday, August 6th9:30-15:00Institutional visits
 15:00-17:00Post program activity session
 18:00-20:00Relaxed farwell dinner
 20:00Start of the optional tour program – travel by bus to Västeräng
 Over nightHotel night in Stockholm for Participants that will not join optional tour
Wednesday, August 7th8:00-18:00

Departure of Participants that will not join optional tour

Check-out time 11:00

Preliminary schedule, updates TBA.

Optional Tour 6-11 August 2024

Schedule Optional Tour

In 2018, SWYAA Sweden hosted an informal reunion at a campsite Västeräng by lake Vättern. Drawing inspiration from the success of that gathering, The Optional Tour will serve as an evolved version of that event. The Optional Tour will be located at the same cozy camp by lake Vättern, one of the largest lakes in Sweden. We aim to reconnect to the SWY spirit by offering an opportunity to foster international relationships, personal development and cross-cultural connections.

Optional Tour, aka Camp SWY, will be an alternative, relaxed and informal event where old and new SWY bonds can grow and flourish. Camp SWY is designed to create natural team-building opportunities with simpler accommodation standards in order to keep the participation fee as low as possible. 

At the camp, we will be housed in dorm rooms with bunk beds and shared bathroom facilities. We will also take turns in helping the camp chef to prepare evening meals for our group and there is space for us to arrange our own activities. However, the SWY Sweden team is also planning an excursion to get the right onboard feeling.

Note: Due to Västeräng being a camp meant to host many people at once, it is not possible to book a single room.

Optional tour (no single room available) 500 USD

DateTimeActivity description
Tuesday 6th august20:00Departure for optional tour from Stockholm by bus
 Around midnightChecking in at campsite Västeräng
Wednesday 7th august10:00Orientation
 Fully daySwedish day: activity at camp site. Swedish games,
swedish traditional dinner, sauna
Thursday, 8th augustFully day from 10:00Tourday outside the camp
Friday, 9th augustFully daySWY day: Activities at camp site. Volontary activities hosted by participants,
lakeside, crafting, water sports, visiting forest, sauna, sport activities
Saturday 10th augustiFully daySWY day: Activities at camp site. Volontary activities hosted by participants,
lakeside, crafting, water sports, visiting forest, sauna, sport activities
Sunday, 11th augustDeparture dayEarly morning, travel back to Stockholm for departing
  Book your departure flight tickets from Stockholm after 2 pm

Preliminary schedule, updates TBA.

Price, registration and payment

Official Program double room 600 USD
Official Program single room 900 USD
Optional Tour (no single room available) 500 USD

We will have two registration dates. There will be no Early bird price, but we will have a pre-registration exclusive for Ex-PYs of SWY.

  • The pre-registration, Ex-PYs of SWY, will open 10th of April at 15:00 (3.00PM) Swedish time.
  • The ordinary registration will open 24th of April at 15:00 (3.00PM) Swedish time.

Who can register during the pre-registration?
Answer: This registration is exclusive for SWY ex-PY and ex-NL.

Who can register during the ordinary registration?
Answer: All SWYers and SWY friends are welcome to register.

Maximum amount of participants will be 100 people – so don’t hesitate to register!

Confirmation and payment
After sending your registration request, please wait for the confirmation email to ensure you secured a place at the Global Assembly. If the number of participation slots fill up before you can register, you will be placed on a waiting list.

The confirmation email will be sent out at most three (3) days after the registration request was received, and will contain instructions on how to pay the participation fee. Alternatively, you will be informed that you have been placed on the waiting list.

Please provide the payment of the participation fee before 15th May 2024. Once the payment has been registered, you will receive another email which confirms that you are registered as a participant.

Registration ex-JPY
As requested by IYEO, JPY will register directly to SWYAA Sweden, and then pay to IYEO for a one-time collective transfer. IYEO will reach out to all the participants from Japan about the payment information. 

Questions about Global Assembly?

The best place to ask questions is directly at our official Facebook event page 15th Global Assembly. That way everyone else can also see the questions and answers, and maybe get just the information they were missing.

If you need to be in contact with us by email you can send an email to: swyaasweden@gmail.com