MARCH 2018 – Official Japanese Week on campus in Umeå featured SWY-information

On February the 27th SWYAA Sweden’s representative had the immence pleasure of opening the Japanese Week on Campus at Umeå universitet with a joint lunch talk on Swedish-Japanese relations in collaboration with Association for International Affairs (Utrikespolitiska föreningen) in Umeå. Edward Fleetwood from from the Sweden-Japan foundation introduced with the history and overview of diplomatic and business relations. […]
DECEMBER 2016 – Cultural exchange, workshop and fundraising activity in Mexico

Once again it’s time for a twin-project together with SWYAA Mexico ( This time it will be a voluntary activity hosted by SWYAA Sweden in Puebla City in Mexico. A cultural exchange and learning workshop the whole day on the 22 of december 2016. N.B this article is published in English and Swedish below. Author: […]
MARCH 2016 – Tokyo Conference 2016 – first two days

Four days, 32 different nationalities and endless opportunities. The Tokyo Conference 2016 is the largest in the history of the SWY-program and brings together representatives from all the member countries of the Ship for World Youth Alumni Association International (SWYAA International) for the first time. Here is a short recap of the first two days. The […]
8th Global Assembly – Turkey 2014

On the 30th of August 2014 more than 150 representatives from 24 nations worldwide gathered in Istanbul, Turkey to attend the 8th SWYAA Global Assembly hosted by SWYAA Turkey and IYEO (International youth exchange organisation of Japan). The week offered great opportunities for networking, reviving old friendships, experiencing historical sights and discovering todays vibrant modern […]