JUNE 2016 – Courtesy Calls to the Embassy of Japan in Stockholm

Courtesy Call Embassy of Japan – 19th of February 2016 SWYAA Sweden has had the great fortune to be specially invited to the Embassy of Japan in Stockholm twice during 2016. On February 19th 2016 we were received by Mrs Sayaka Shingu, the current Cultural Attache. The Courtesy Call to the Embassy of Japan was […]
MAY 2016 – What 32 nations signed the last two days in Tokyo

Over a month has passed since the Tokyo Conference 2016 was concluded. The results have been reported both to our Swedish alumni and to the Embassy of Japan in Stockholm. 32 countries managed to formulate and sign a Joint Statement that was handed in to the Japanese Government on the last day. (this post is a […]
MARCH 2016 – Tokyo Conference 2016 – first two days

Four days, 32 different nationalities and endless opportunities. The Tokyo Conference 2016 is the largest in the history of the SWY-program and brings together representatives from all the member countries of the Ship for World Youth Alumni Association International (SWYAA International) for the first time. Here is a short recap of the first two days. The […]
Official reception at the Japanese ambassador’s residence

Alumni members from both SWY and GLDP attended a courtesy reception at the Japanse ambassador’s residence on the 16th of May 2014. The function was a great success, with both informal discussions, updates on upcoming cooperations between our countries, dance performance and practice and an all new revelation about yet another cultural similarity between Japan […]
Photos from the preparation meeting

Photos from latest members meeting

Annual report 2009

During 2009 the main goal of SWYAA-SE was to develop both our domestic and international networks. Even though our AA is one of the smaller ones we aim to play an active role in the SWY community. In 2009 we tried to accomplish that through various activities and initiatives from all our members, ExPY:s from […]
Minutes from the annual meeting 2009

Use http://translate.google.com/ and figure out the discussions we had during our annual meeting 2009.
Annual general meeting 2008

We welcome Gustaf as new president for SWYAA-SE and deeply thank Jenny for her excellent work the last couple of years. Read the minutes of the annual general meeting (in Swedish)
Tokyo Conference for the Ex-Participating Youth of SWY Program 2008

Jenny Jonstoij participated in the Post Program Activities Promotion Program in Tokyo. Read the minutes here.