Welcome to Ship for World Youth Sweden!

On this website you will find information about the board, the association, previous programs and a lot more! For the latest news and updates, please visit us on Instagram and Facebook
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General Assembly 2019, Russia

Five Swedish ex-PYs from four different batches (SWY4, SWY10, SWY23 and GLDP1 SWY26) participated in the GA in Russia in September 2019. Around 120 participants from 20 countries gathered in Moscow for a few days to learn more about Russia. Among other things, the participants had a guided tour in Kremlin, an unique walking tour […]
Camp SWY great success with 11 nations and 14 batches attending the reunion

After more than a year of preparations, planning and organising – the international SWY reunion “Camp SWY” took place in Sweden between 6th and 11th of August 2019. Despite this being an independent, unofficial reunion based on volunteer efforts, Camp SWY gathered as many as 35 ex-participating youth from 11 different nations worldwide and 14 […]
Salomonöarna i mitt Hjärta

Sitter på ett internet cafe på Fiji och skriver detta, men det kommer handla om våran underbara tid på Salomon öarna, resten kommer kanske i morgon. Efter en lååång kryssning så var vi alltså framme vid vårt första stopp där vi inte hade ett officiellt schema utan bara skulle fylla på båten med bränsle och […]
Grasshoppers in teriyakisauce and Pokémon-sushi

I’m in heaven. Food heaven. Japan is intriguing in many ways. When it comes to food for example. This is a wonderful and crazy gastronmical journey. From grasshoppers in teriyaki too Pokemon-sushi. Tonight’s our last night in NYC/Tokyo. Tomorrow – time to go onboard the Fuji Maru heading for the Fiji, Solomons and Australia. Onwards […]
Min kära home-stay

Oj oj oj vilken helg. i fredags fick vi äntligen träffa våra home-stay föräldrar som man varit både pirrig och förväntansfull inför. Och vilken klockren träff, pappan i familjen var en trevlig 68årig man vid namn Sadaya Fujita. Trots att han aldrig hade studerat Engleska så kunde han en hel del och vi satt uppe […]
Big in Japan

The Swedish delegation together with the Solomon Islands in the newspaper. 15 January 2011. In the middle the Governor of the prefecture Ibaraki.
For the first time in history Swedish delegation has a National Costume!

Tailor made yellow vests plus purple kravatt for the boys and blue dress with plastic midsummer…