This winter we, Gigi Lönn Stråle, SWY4, REN02 and family will live in Thailand, Koh Lanta, and have of course contacted our sisterorganisation in Thailand, SSEAP, to get in contact with fun and interesting peoples. Just out of coincidence some people from their ship 1977 ( ! ) had a reunion and a 30-year anniversary only an hours drive from us, in Krabi. 3 of them ( Two couples from Thailand and one from Singapore ) had also booked a hotel in Lanta, to go on a oneday diving trip.

In the evening we had a wonderful dinner with them, sharing memories and laughter with them. It´s amazing to see, we have the same kind of memories, and the same experience of the spirit onboard the ship. even if it was 15 years between their ship and mine in 1992.