After almost two years in El Salvador, the heart of Central America, Fredrik Quistbergh (Ex PY, SWY 10) is back at Södermalm, Sweden. In El Salvador he was working for the swedish NGO UBV/Latinamerika as a correspondent. To work in a totally new language and new cultural context was a nice challenge for Fredrik. The rumour has it that it took him some months to be able to communicate in spanish – but only weeks to rule at the dance floor. He is also reporting to be happy to have been traing together with the salvadorean national teams in both table-tennis and badminton. Suprisingly, due to his lack of skills in badminton, he ended up as number four at the national ranking before going back to Sweden.

Fredrik is, together with earlier swedish SWY-profiles Lotta and Jenny, going to the SWY-reunion in Greece. Fredrik has promised to blogg from the event so you could follow it at his homepage: