One horse, one moose, one book

To participate in SWY means many logistic challenges. Fix gifts, collect gifts, send gifts, make sure gifts are received in time, pack gifts, distribute gifts, wrap gifts. As we are now off to our Japanese host families it is time to get a grip on the gifts that we fixed for all the members of the delegation. This might seem like an easy task, but as our schedule is insanely intense and we only have a few moments to pack the things we need for the home stay, it becomes a challenge since we are not completely sure of which delegates has which amount of gifts in their bags. We have to make sure everyone has enough items to give away and that they are properly wrapped to serve as gifts in Japan.

The mantra we have used the last day is therefore;

–         One horse – a Dala horse as the official gift for the family

–         One moose – a little cuddly moose in case the family has children

–         One book – a book on Sweden written in Japanese to make sure we have topics to talk about

Maybe it can serve as a slightly more down to earth, harsh Swedish version of the Ship Motto which is;

–         One ship

–         One heart

–         One world

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