Fredrik Quistbergh

Name and batch:
Fredrik Quistbergh, SWY10. Batch representative SWY10. Read more.

This is me now:
I live with my family in Stockholm, Sweden. I am working as a freelance writer and journalist. Please see more at my homepage:

Best SWY memory:
All the wonderful people and open atmosphere at sea. On the ship everything was possible. Learn to swim, discuss subjects in a way you never thought was possible and see all the good things we humans possess when we respect one and each other.

What the SWY-experience has meant to me:
After the program I have travelled to places and met people that still means a lot to me. Two examples: I have worked as a santa claus in a japanese shopping center in Yokohama. And I led the wedding procedure when one of my best SWY-friends got married.

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